Monday, November 11, 2013

5 Things Sure To Ruin A Teacher's Day

Not to be confused with Miley Cyrus

I want to go ahead and say that I love teaching. However, there are some days where events occur that I could certainly do without. I’m sure I speak for most teachers when I say the following events certainly are a cause for slight concern.

Crap, that doesn’t look right.

La la la la, I’m writing on the board teaching my heart out. Then, all of a sudden…. Crap… I’m not sure if I’m spelling this right. Oh come on! I’ve written this before. Ughh, but it looks wrong. Ok… I’m taking a shot at it here. *Writes word then cautiously turns around and looks at students.* Whew. I must have gotten it right. “Ummm, Mr. Howard?” …Uh oh.

Great. They’re fighting. Now what?

Many teachers have no idea how to handle a fight. Some say, “There’s no way I’m getting involved in that.” While I do understand many teachers’ concerns, I just can’t imagine standing back and letting them beat each other’s brains out. Unfortunately, when other teachers won’t help, suddenly you’re left alone to bring about peace and order to world. At any rate, fights ruin the day.

Good thing I brought the keys to my cla- they’re at home…

This is fantastic. I needed to get things in order for first period and the door is locked. Yeah, I could go to the office and get a key, but I was just in there yesterday. Urghhh, I really need to put that key on my car keys.

Outspoken Susan is being outspoken

Some kids have no filter. You know the kid. He/she is the one that doesn’t really say anything worth getting into a lot of trouble, but they tend to think you’re their best friend and often say things that you could really do without.

I’m teaching, I’m teaching, I’m teaching… Uh oh.

There is NOTHING worse than striking to use the bathroom in the middle of a lesson. NOTHING. PERIOD. Oh, this is great. They put me in a classroom that’s miles away from the teachers’ bathroom and the teacher next door has no interest in watching my class. Erm, this is fourth period, too. The minute I step out of this room it will be 100% chaos. Now what?

It’s worth pointing out that most of the points mentioned above are exaggerated and the names/periods are 100% fictional. However, why kid ourselves? These things happen. :D

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