Thursday, October 24, 2013

Reasons Why You Should Enhance Your Classroom With A Blog

With technology continuously changing the dynamics of our classrooms, I feel there is one interesting venue for information that teachers either don’t know about or just choose to ignore: the blog. Your students spend an absolute ridiculous amount of time on the internet. It’s silly to ignore the avenue where they spend most of their time. With that being said, why would you ever want to spend the time constructing and maintaining a blog such as this? Here are a few:

Forgetful Students have Answers

I remember being in high school as if it were yesterday. I can’t count how many times I went home only to say, “Damn, I really wish I would have written that down.” (Forgive me for me high school lingo. It was probably a tad harsher than that.) At any rate, a classroom blog is the perfect answer for students who need a little memory jog.

Students who Miss

My God is there anything more difficult than keeping up with students who miss a lot? When you’re able to post your daily activities on a site easily accessible by your student body, you essentially eliminate the need for barrage of questions you get every day.

Internet Resources

Talk about an easy avenue to share interesting material with your students. When you’re able to make daily posts giving students links to valuable resources, it opens up a whole new world of possibilities.

Internet Classes are Common

With universities conducting more and more online classes, high school students need to be exposed to online teachings. Even if it’s as simple as finding the assignment, researching a topic, and turning in a paper, its valuable lessons they’ll use going forward.

What about Students without Internet

As unbelievable as it may seem, there are a number of students who don’t have internet access. These students will simply have to get their makeup work the old fashioned way- by asking.

How Do I Start a Blog?

It’s easy. It’s free. Go to Blogger and use your free Gmail account to start your blog.

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